Please note - These papers are sorted to the best of our ability. If there is no link to view or option to download the paper or you would like to inquire about it's availability, please contact Dr. Suresh Menon (
Conference Without Proceedings
- Panchal, A., Ranjan, R., and Menon, S., “Subgrid Flamelet Generated Manifold using Multi- Scale Modeling for Spray Combustion,” 11th US National Meeting, Combustion Institute, Pasadena, CA, March 25-27, 2019.
- Huggins, G., Fries, D. and Menon, S. “An Engineering Model to Predict Flow Features of a Sonic or Supersonic Gaseous Jet into Supersonic Crossflow,” AIAA-2019-3844,55th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, August 9-12, 2019.
- Ballance, H., Ochs, B, Ranjan, D. and Menon, S., “Evaluation of Air-Blast Atomizers for Mixing and Combustion in Supersonic Flows,” AIAA-2019-4370, 55th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE AIAA Propulsion and Energy Forum, August 9-12, 2019.
- Rieth, M., Chen, J.-Y., Menon, S., and Kempf, A. M., ``Hybrid Flamelet Finite-Rate Chemistry Approach for Efficient LES with a Transported FDF,'' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 199, pp. 183-193, 2019.
- Fries, D., Ochs, D., Saha, A., Ranjan, D., and Menon, S., ``Flame Speed Characteristics of Turbulent Expanding Flames in a Rectangular Channel,'' Combustion and Flame, Vol. 199, pp. 1-13, 2019.
- Muralidharan, B. and Menon, S., "A Consistent Multi-Level Subgrid Scale Closure for Large Eddy Simulation of Compressible Flows using Adaptive Mesh Refinement, Computer and Fluids, Vol. 180, pp. 159-175, 2019.
- Panchal, A., Ranjan, R. and Menon, S., “A Comparison of Finite-Rate Kinetics and Flamelet Generated Manifold using a Multi-scale Modeling Framework for Turbulent Premixed Combus- tion,” Combustion Science and Technology, Vol. 188, pp. 1496-1537, 2019.
- Wei, Y., Ranjan R., Roy, U., Shin, H., Menon, S. and Zhou, M., “Integrated 3D Microstructure- Explicit Simulations for Predicting Macroscopic Probabilistic SDT Thresholds of Energetic Ma- terials,” invited paper, in Special issue, Computational Mechanics on Data-Driven Modeling and Simulation: Theory, Methods and Applications Computational Mechanics, Vol. 64, pp. 547-561, 2019.
- Ochs, B. A., Ranjan, R., Ranjan, D., and Menon, S., “Topology and Flame Speeds of Turbulent Premixed Flame Kernels in Supersonic Flows,” Combustion and Flame, Vol. 210, pp. 83-99, 2019.